Monday, May 11, 2009

Way too long....

So sorry folks. Terrible that I haven't been writing. Travelling, being sick and trying to get a film out there is hard consistent work. Once I have the time all I want to do is walk away from the computer and rest. Somehow though writing should be more of a routine. It allows me to vent. However I want to talk more of the positive things so....Since the last time I wrote we had our screening at the Method Fest. It was nerve racking and joyous. We fared well concering the main party was scheduled at the same time as our film. And in the end we won and award. YAY. the Maverick award for best feature under One million dollars. Very cool concidering we made our film under 50,000. We were also nominated for Best Directors and myself for Best Actress. Such a wonderful turn of events for me personally as I had lost my bloody agent over this film. Sweet justice in the end for sure. And a very good experience from the Method Fest. We will always be grateful to them for being the first and only American Festival so far to pick and support of film.
Then to The Okanagan International Film Festival. Fabulous folks one and all working so hard to get the fest going well. And it did. It was very hard to get people interested in coming to see an unknown film. We walked the streets and approached people by handing out postcards and convincing them it was a good thing to see a film on a Saturday. I enjoy meeting new people and feeling their excitement over an independent film. Luckily we got an audience. We were the only film to get as many people as we did in the theatre we were in. More people went to a documentary another night at another theater. But we were competing with the BIG films. The ones picked by the BIG Toronto International Film Fest. An we brilliantly beat them all in numbers and with the best thing yet, an award for "BEST CANADIAN FEATURE FILM" So cool.....I'll leave you with that for now as I'm off to dance Flamenco.

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